Proyecto Erasmus + en el que participan seis centros educativos de España, Turquía, Polonia, Rumanía y Macedonia


Logo Competition Contest- CNSHB

SPIRU HARET NATIONAL COLLEGE, in collaboration with its European partners, announces this competition for the creation and design of a logo that will be the image of the European Project: STEM in the LIFE. STEM in the LIFE is a project co-financed by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union, in which we participate with centers in North Macedonia, Poland, Turkey and 2 Spanish High Schools. Its purpose is to promote the exchange of innovative practices in a digital era and increase interest in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).
On the one hand, it aims to promote the development of students in STEM education and to develop 21st century skills such as creativity, intellectual curiosity, critical and analytical thinking, cooperation and identification of problems with their resolution individually and in teams.
To this end, different design workshops will be organized to learn how to work in STEM, such as coding, robotics and 3D.
The main objective of the contest will be the dissemination, participation and involvement of the entire educational community. The winning logo will be used in the dissemination of the project information through different channels: written documents, web pages, social networks, etc.
All students from the project partner countries are invited to participate in the competition. In our case, all the students of the “SPIRU HARET NATIONAL COLLEGE” can participate, regardless of their level or educational stage.
●The participants can present the proposals individually or in groups, being a requirement to be students registered/studying in the schools of the countries members of the project.
●Each individual/group can only present one proposal.
●The technique will be free (graphic or digital). The size of the design will measure at least 10 x 10 cm and must be submitted in a DIN-A4 format.
●The members of the evaluating jury will not be able to participate in the competition.
●The logo must be original and unpublished and contestants must sign a declaration of authorship and originality.
●The logo must be visually attractive and related to the theme and objectives of the project (STEM).
The logo must be adaptable to different digital formats and suitable for use on a web page.
The winners must agree to make, if necessary, the relevant changes for the correct use of their design.
The best logos will be selected for an electronic catalog and an exhibition.
The works must be presented inside a closed envelope of size DIN-A4 that will contain in its interior:
●The appropriate paper for the technique used in DINA4 size with the design of the logo (if it is digital in printed paper).
●Inside the envelope there will be a card with the full name and class of the participant, as well as the declaration of authorship and signed originality.
●The works in digital support must be printed in color and, if it were selected, the file would be requested in jpg or similar, with an optimal resolution to be printed in an enlarged format.
The window of time for submission will begin on January 18th at 00:00 h. and will end on February 5th at 23:59 h. Emails will be sent to: . Subject of the e-mail: STEM LOGO CONTEST
The members of the jury of each of the institutes of the Erasmus + project will select those they consider the FOUR best logos of their school. Once selected, the finalist logos will be displayed on the eTwinning platform .
The jury’s decision will be made public on 12 February.
The winner of the international competition will be made public the last week of May 2021.
The jury in charge of assessing the proposals of the SPIRU HARET NATIONAL COLLEGE will be formed by four members of the Erasmus+ commission appointed for this purpose and one member of the parents’ association.
Two categories are established:
A. 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th ESO.
B. High school and vocational training.
Two prizes will be awarded in each category: a first prize (50 euros gift voucher) and a second prize (30 euros gift voucher), to be spent on school supplies in selected local stores.
One of the winners will go on to a second phase of the competition, where they will be assessed by a jury composed of representatives of the Erasmus+ Project from all the participating countries, from which there will be only one winner who will represent the ”STEM in the LIFE” Project with his or her design.

Concursul de design al LOGO-ului din cadrul proiectului Erasmus- STEM in the Life. In colaborare cu partenerii din proiect, scoală organizează un concurs de creare al LOGO-ului proiectului. STEM in the LIFE este un proiect co-finantat prin programele europene Erasmus+, desfășurat in colaborare cu scoli din Macedonia de Nord, Polonia, Turcia si doua scoli din Spania. Obiectivul acestui proiect este cel de a promova schimbul de practici inovatoare in era digitala si de a creste interesul acordat materiilor din STEM- științe, matematica, tehnologie, informatica. Pe de-o parte, proiectul își propune sa promoveze dezvoltarea abilităților STEM la elevi, intr-un secol al 21-lea in care creativitatea, curiozitatea intelectuală, gândirea analitica si critica, cooperarea, identificarea problemelor si găsirea de soluții, individual sau in echipe, joaca un rol important. In acest scop, proiectul își propune sa desfășoare multiple ateliere, unde participanții vor învață sa colaboreze in STEM, sa descifreze taine ale programării, roboticii si printării 3D.


-diseminarea proiectului, participarea a cat mai multor elevi la acest proiect. LOGO-ul castigator va fi făcut public prin toate mijloacele: documente, site-uri, rețele sociale, etc.


  • toți elevii din tarile participante in proiect sunt invitați sa participe la aceasta competiție. In cazul, CNSHB, toți elevii, indiferent de profil sau ciclu de învățământ.
  • participanții pot participa individual sau pe echipe, si trebuie sa fie elevi ai CNSHB;
  • tehnica la alegere ( desen grafic sau digital);
  • mărimea va fi de 10x10cm si va fi trimisa in format DIN-A4;
  • membrii din comitetul de evaluare nu pot avea lucrări in concurs;
  • LOGO-ul trebuie sa fie o lucrare originala, nepublicata anterior, iar participanții trebuie sa semneze o declarație de originalitate; el trebuie sa aibă un impact vizual, sa fie atractiv si sa se lege de tema proiectului;
  • lucrarea trebuie sa poată fi ușor adaptata diverselor formate digitale;
  • autorii vor fi de acord sa facă modificări, daca e necesar, astfel încât lucrările sa poate fi folosite in cadrul proiectului;
  • lucrările vor fi trimise in plicuri in format A4; tot in plic se vor găsi date legate de numele autorului/ autorilor, clasa si declarațiile de originalitate;
  • Perioada de predare va fi cuprinsa intre 18 Ianuarie 2021, orele 24.00, pana la data de 5 Februarie, 23.59.
  • lucrările vor fi trimise pe adresa:, având ca subiect menționat: » STEM LOGO CONTEST»
  • membrii juriului din fiecare dintre școlile din proiect vor alege primele 4 lucrări cele mai bune dintre cele înscrise in concurs; odată selectat, LOGO-ul castigator va fi încărcat pe platforma e-Twinning. Decizia juriului va fi făcută publica pe data de 12 februarie 2021.
  • Competiția internațională se va finaliza la sfârșitul lunii mai 2021.
  • Comisia din CNSHB va fi formata din patru membrii ai echipei de proiect, si un membru al Asociației Părinților din Colegiul National Spiru Haret.
  • categoria A- premiile 1,2,3, Mențiune.
  • categoria B- liceu
  • Se vor acorda 2 premii la fiecare categorie: premiul I ( echivalent a 50 de euro) si un premiu al doilea (echivalentul a 30 de euro); banii vor fi cheltuiți pe rechizite școlare.
  • Lucrarea câștigătoare va participa la faza internațională, unde va fi evaluata împreuna cu celelalte lucrări ale tarilor participante. Lucrarea câștigătoare va fi desemnata pentru a reprezenta LOGO-ul proiectului.

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